Faculty of Home Economics Technology, RMUTP join a discussion promoting business tourism at Ruen Pu Rean Ancient House, Chacheongsao.

          Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP), cooperated with Mr. Noppadol Noiouthai, Director of Chacheongsao Regional Institute for Skill Development, accompanied by Mr. Suthat Chueaintra, Director of Skill Development Division, Ms. Saowalak Jaisaen, Director of Planning and Information Division,
Mr. Chumpol Sangkhapreecha, Chairman of Nakhon Nueang Khet Community Enterprise and Chairman of Klong Nakhon Nueang Khet Sub-district Tourism Network, and officers joined
a discussion with representatives from Klong Suan 100-year Market, Nakhon Nueang Khet Ancient Market, and Ban Mai 100-year Market in Chacheongsao to require more information for organizing of the workshop ‘Transforming of Local Signature Dishes to Thai Famous Cuisines’ under the project of business tourism promotion.

         This opportunity was joined by Asst. Prof. Dr. Thanapop Soteyome, the Dean of the Faculty of Home Economics Technology, accompanied by Asst. Prof. Dr. Prassanee Tabbaiyaem, Head of Food and Nutrition, Dr. Kasarin Pedcharat, Head of Food Technology,
Dr. Sucheera Pongsai, Head of Applied Home Economics, and Ms. Wilai Sutthijitthiwa, Educator on May 20, 2024 at Ruen Pu Rean Ancient House, Chacheongsao.

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