Setting and Infrastructure (SI)

University budget for sustainability effort (in US Dollars)

The RMUTP budget for sustainability effort for 2021-2023 are shown as below.

Budget Total$ 29,391,875.88$ 28,364,593.79$ 28,386,488.01$ 28,714,319.23
Sustainability Budget$ 2,852,294.78$ 363,810.44$ 52,306.06$  3,268,411.28
   Percentage3.79 %


The average percentage university budget for sustainability effort  is 3.79%

Percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in one year period

Solar Panel Maintenance

Operation and maintenance schedule

Ornamental Pruning (Tree and gardens)

Lecture rooms maintenance

Water supply maintenance


Air Conditioner Maintenance

Maintenance of Electrical Appliances

Maintenance of the CCTV System


We provide maintenance, repair, and cleaning for all the buildings that are still in regular use except for buildings in the renovation process.

Last year, there was maintenance and installation of solar panels, trimming trees, utility system and CCTV systems repair, classroom improvement, and maintenance of electrical appliances, including cleaning to make these facilities available for everyday life.  

The percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in one year period is shown as follows;

1Total campus buildings area148,234.85 m2
2Total operated building 139,074.39 m2
 Percentage building that operated and maintenanced93.82%
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